Blog, Page 1

Aug 23
When project managers look at their supply chain, they are forced to prioritize the things they focus their time on and often packaging can be relegated to the bottom of the list. Packaging decisions are often made purely on the…

Jul 25
If you’ve been following these posts you know that molded pulp has emerged as a leading material for cushioning in the electronic, consumer, and high volume industrial products space. You are surely aware of its ability to absorb impact energy…

May 31
For many project managers, internal cushioning is a necessary evil, relegated to an afterthought, set up initially and rarely revisited. For many industries, the solution for protecting a larger or irregularly shaped part is simply to increase the amount of…

Apr 26
Operating your workflow at peak efficiency is the primary goal of any project manager. Avoiding slowdowns and work stoppages is a key component of that goal. Delays at any step of the process reverberate throughout the supply chain leading to…

Mar 16
There’s an assumption in corners of the manufacturing world that incorporating environmentally friendly processes onto their work floor requires costly investment in new equipment and a lengthy training and calibration process to optimize it to your environment. With more than…

Feb 22
In the early days of molded pulp packaging, the material was known for its excellent protection of delicate items like lightbulbs and produce. But as a pioneer in use of molded pulp for cushioning, we at FiberCel have more than…

Jan 22
When you engage with a new packaging partner you may be tempted to go with a supplier who promises to copy your current internal cushioning solution at a slightly lower cost. Many suppliers will request you send them a drawing…

Dec 23
A large part of project management is logistics. Making sure people and parts are where they are supposed to be, when they are supposed to be there. Delays at any link in the supply chain have effects that ripple through…

Nov 23
When evaluating partners in their supply chain, project managers traditionally look for the best provider the shortest distance from themselves. The longstanding logic is that close proximity lends itself to easy communication and fast shipping resulting in overall cost savings….