Tag: packaging

May 31
For many project managers, internal cushioning is a necessary evil, relegated to an afterthought, set up initially and rarely revisited. For many industries, the solution for protecting a larger or irregularly shaped part is simply to increase the amount of…

Dec 23
A large part of project management is logistics. Making sure people and parts are where they are supposed to be, when they are supposed to be there. Delays at any link in the supply chain have effects that ripple through…

Jun 25
Packaging is a necessary cost of moving products through the pipeline, so ensuring your packaging process is as efficient as possible should be a core concern for your business. There are costs associated with the creation, storage, and implementation of packaging…

Mar 30
Molded Pulp burst on the scene as packaging for delicate items like fluorescent light bulbs and produce, but in recent years it has emerged as a leading material for cushioning in the electronic, consumer, and high volume industrial products space….